
Satya, Inc is a commercial real estate consulting company working with the owners or prospective owners of the properties and projects described in this profile. Satya, Inc is not a licensed real estate broker, real estate agent, leasing broker, or leasing agent. Nothing contained in this profile should be construed as an offer to sell or lease any interst in the properties or projects described herein, or to otherwise give rise to any contractual obligations or duties on the part of Satya, Inc.

Parties interested in purchasing or leasing space in any of the projects described in the profile will be directed to the appropriate real estate broker or leasing agent for the owner or prospective owner of the subject property or project.

All of the information contained in this profile has been provided by third parties, and Satya, Inc. does not provide any warranty or presentation concerning the accuracy of said information. Satya, Inc. hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties of any kind of character, expressed or implied, concerning the information presented concerning the continued availability of a property or project listed being for sale in this profile, the continued availability of space for lease in either developed projects or projects under development, the title to any of the properties or projects listed herein, the physical condition of any of the projects or properties listed herein (including specifically but not limited to, the environmental condition of any property or projects listen herein), the merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose of any property or project listed herein, and any other warranties that may be implied by law with respect to the properties and projects described in this profile.